Legal notice
You are connected to Bemberg Capital website.
Registered office
9 AllÃĐe Scheffer
Building C
L-2520 Luxembourg
Contact details
Phone: +352 47 38 85 27
Fax: +352 22 60 56
Design: madi&co Agency â
Corporate information
Public Limited Liability Company (sociÃĐtÃĐ anonyme) incorporated under Luxembourg law.
Registration number with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de Commerce et des SociÃĐtÃĐs de Luxembourg): B6091.
Purpose of this website
This website aims at presenting the Bemberg Capital group and its activities. It should neither be considered as constituting an establishment nor the provision of services outside the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Anyone residing in a state where it is forbidden for any reason relating to, for example, his nationality or residence, to visit foreign banksâ websites, shall refrain himself from visiting this website. Bemberg Capital shall not be held liable towards anyone and invites all users to verify that no law or rule prevents or restricts the availability of this website by Bemberg Capital. People who are citizens of, among other countries (but without limitation), the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom are strongly invited to get information about the restrictions which may apply to them.